Te Tai Tokererau Tarai Waka Inc. (Tarai Waka) is a non profit organisation, and being a
registered charity tax deductible donations are welcome. Tarai Waka has a wide range of branding and sponsorship packages available which include the following:
Logos on the waka sails as well and banners when various waka are docked in port and at our stalls selling merchandise are extremely visible to a wide variety of demographical groups.
Website: Our Website has a dedicated sponsor’s page which includes both your company logo and a link to your website. We see our website as a huge marketing tool with the young people of today using the Internet for absolutely everything. We use the website in the marketing of all events and functions within the organization.
Media Coverage
and Interviews:
Opportunities to sponsor a particular waka or crew when sailing locally or voyaging abroad are possible. The waka as well as voyage organisers and crew members can expect to get higher media coverage during the planning, implemenation and conclusion of these voyages.
Our Wananga or training camps and programs have the ability to provide the sponsor with enormous brand awareness and the opportunity to significantly drive or launch a chosen product or service.
Tara Waka publish a monthly Newsleter to a wide variety of individuals and organisations through Aotearoa and Polynesia. This will serve the purpose of keeping everybody who has been involved with Tarai Waka informed of any exciting news as well as what is coming up within the next few months. Current sponsor's logos will appear included on Newletters.
Our Sponsors and Supporting Organisations
Tarai Waka is grateful for the support and sponsorship it has received from a number of organisations over the years. Past and present sponsors and supporting organisation and links to their sites are shown here:

Other Sponsors and Supporting Organisations include