The strategic plan for Te Tai Tokerau Tarai Waka Inc. is designed to guide the operation of the Society over the next five years in furthering its objects and purposes of the Society. It is based on the objects set out in the Constitution and previously defined purposes.
The overall goal of the Society is to maintain, promote and enhance the continued development of all aspects of Kaupapa Waka in a manner which ensures that the sanctity, integrity and mana of Kaupapa Waka is observed at all times.
This logframe organises the objects and purposes which spell out the detail of this goal into six main themes:
Waka building and maintenance;
Waka sailing including ocean voyaging;
Training of members in all aspects of Kaupapa Waka including the sailing and paddling of waka, traditional navigation by the use of natural elements, ancient ritual, and the use of Te Reo Maori including karakia and haka;
Collection, collation and storage of information on all aspects of Kaupapa Waka;
Participation in the waka whanau both in Aotearoa-New Zealand and across the Pacific;
Promotion of Kaupapa Waka as an integral component of the culture of Aotearoa-Rekohu which unites the tribal Iwi, provides a focus for restoring mana (pride/prestige) to young people, and enhances bi-culturalism through the interaction of tangata whenua and Pakeha.
The Objectives for which the Society was established and will be continued within the territorial boundaries of Aotearoa-Rekohu are:
To unite the tribal iwi of Aotearoa-Rekohu through a commitment to the aims, aspirations and singleness of purpose that is the essence of Kaupapa Waka.
To strengthen and enhance bi-culturalism in Aotearoa-Rekohu through the interaction of tangata whenua and pakeha through Kaupapa Waka.
To encourage the promotion of Kaupapa Waka as a focus for restoring mana (pride/prestige) to young people through education and involvement with Waka.
To foster the concept of Kaupapa Waka as an integral component of the culture of Aotearoa-Rekohu.
To promote, maintain and preserve the religious and ancient rituals and karakia associated with Kaupapa Waka.
To collect, collate and store information pertaining to all aspects of Kaupapa Waka.
To promote the use of Te Reo Maori among the waka whanau and the wider community.
To build on the goodwill and enthusiasm generated at Waitangi Day 1990 for Kaupapa Waka as a foundation for achieving lasting benefits for all New Zealanders.